Richard Pearson Strong Diary: August 17, 1926


Richard Pearson Strong




August 17th.

Spent a feverish night. Temperature 99.2º at 6 A.M. I think this fever should end today. I am continuing to send porters in small groups back to Lango town to bring up supplies and other men. Have just sent 20 men to Bequaert. The chief promises to have 100 porters for me day after tomorrow to move north easterly. I examined my blood this morning but found nothing abnormal with the exception of a few fine granules of pigment in a few leukocytes, which might be malarial pigment. I am taking large doses of quinine as a precaution. I took 45 grains yesterday and will take 30 today. I am considerably deaf today from it. Loring Whitman has gone off to try and shoot a bush cow. He returned later with one bird.




Richard Pearson Strong, “Richard Pearson Strong Diary: August 17, 1926,” A Liberian Journey: History, Memory, and the Making of a Nation, accessed June 2, 2024,